Ela Tollkuci

Country: Albania

Current position and affiliation: Full-time lecturer at the Mediterranean University of Albania, Department of Psychology and Sociology; part-time lecturer at Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Policy and Social Work, University of Tirana; counsellor at the Helpline Centre for Woman and Girls, Tirana, Albania. 

Involvement with youth mental health and research interests and activities: I graduated in psychology at the University of Padua, Italy and from 2011 I have worked as a counsellor for women and adolescents against domestic violence. I am a PhD candidate and the topic of my research thesis is violence against women and girls with special interest on practices of intervention depending on cultural and contextual mediators.

I am a member of the Institute of Individual Psychology Adler at Tirana, Albania. Since 2010 I've lectured in General Psychology, Social Psychology and Research Methods at University level.

Professional website: https://al.linkedin.com/in/ela-tollkuci-a20a0583

Contact email: tollkuci@yahoo.it

Published Oct. 10, 2019 10:54 AM - Last modified Oct. 10, 2019 10:56 AM